Wednesday, November 16, 2011

An email

My cousin Bec wrote me an email today right when I needed something nice to read.  I wrote her back and realized this email is the perfect update of life lately, and saves me the mental energy of putting it into a post.  And yes, those are British pound signs.  We like to communicate with European symbols whenever possible.  So here it is.

£ I loved your email so much I can't even express it.  It was exactly what I needed.  New jobs are stressful.  I feel all topsy turvy until I know what I'm doing which I am sure is still a few weeks away at least.

£ my fingernails are painted a charcoal color now.  The name of the color is "power clutch." they are really running out of good material in the "name picking" department over there at the nail polish company.  What makes a clutch powerful?


£ Yesterday at the gym I was on the stairmaster when an older gentleman wandered by, stood in front of me with his back facing me, and cleaned out his ear with the plug-in-to-the-iPod end of his headphones cord.  When he turned around and looked at me I pretended to be very preoccupied with some part of the floor off to my left.

£ I came home yesterday and Harry was at a lecture, but all the laundry was clean, folded, and put away, and every single dish we own was clean and dry.  I audibly squealed and then did absolutely nothing productive until he got home.

£ Christmas is in the air!  I wish there was a Messiah sing along I could go to with you.

£ I'm not crazy about my blog header either right now.  I'm not even sure why I fiddled with it.  The whole experience was kind of frustrating.  Some days I just want to put up that photo of those squirrels fighting with light sabers and call it done.

£ Bridge mix.  Gllllllllll.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

The man who dug his ear out in front of you is really gross. I'm surprised you didn't dry heave. I probably would have glared at him instead of look at the floor.