Monday, November 8, 2010


I went back to the hairdresser the day after I had these cut to have them fixed (as in, tweaked, not as in neutered), and now I love them.

(This picture was taken as we drove to San Francisco to see Imagine Dragons. More on that soon...)

It did still take me about 48 hours to feel like I was looking at myself in the mirror.

More work for upkeep? Yes.
Scratched my itchy need to change my appearance? Yes.
Do I still jerk my head to get the hair off my forehead and then realize… it’s not going anywhere? Yes.

Mission: accomplished


Carrie said...

i love that i can see an official shot of the front! although i'm still itching to see it in person. you look AMAZING!!! now i want to get my hair cut. but i'm far too insecure to try such stylish bangs (etc) as those. you're my idol.

[AnnieR] said...

I LOVE your bangs. LOVE them. LOVE LOVE LOVE. And I love you.

Sydney said...


S.A.R. said...

Oooh! I feel such love!

Megan said...

You look totally gorgeous!! Your hair is like a masterpiece frame bc the really beautiful part is of course your face! Ok I tried to make that more literarily amazing but whatever. I am in serious need of a hair makeover too but am stumped on what to do. I asked Owen what his favorite hairstyle was one me and he said, " the red one." not very helpful. Anyways,...we missed you this past weekend. I am so missing your wonderful sarah-ness. We need to chat more!

Alisha said...

i love it. can't wait to see it right on you instead of in a picture! Yes, I'm already filling with excitement for Christmas.

S.A.R. said...

And I can't wait to see your amazing darling chubby BABY!

Karina said...

LOVE THE BANGS! Maybe I should cut some too...? You look like a model Sarah:)

Julie said...

Hot! Love 'em! I especially like the face you're making with it... just adds to the overall hottness that IS Sarah Eaton ( ;