Sunday, November 8, 2009

And now for a post about something that really frosts my cookies.

No, not this thing.

Pretty much since the latter half of my BYU days, I have developed the most irritating habit of unknowingly falling asleep during a show I was really excited to see.

It used to be any show/movie that we started after 9 pm. Now, no matter the time of day, quite often as soon as someone hits the play button, it's only a matter of time (well, more like 5-10 minutes) before I am in sugar-plum-fairy-dream mode without ever really granting my own consent. When I regain conciousness, I don't recognize anything that's happening on the screen, and the ending credits pop up while I'm groggily trying to grasp some purchase on the evolved plot. Closure for everyone else in the room... but not for me.

The following are (edited) movies I have slept through:

1) Minority Report
2) Traitor (oh, don't worry though. I opened my eyes for the big kicker at the end so I know about the ending, and will now really never enjoy the middle)
3) Michael Clayton
4) The Sting
5) First episode of "Kings"
6) Nearly all episodes of "Jericho"
7) Many episodes of "Lost" (luckily I've already seen all the ones we've seen)
8) The Game
9) Spirited Away
10) Twelve
11) Body of Lies
12) Every "Pirates of the Carribean" movie (nothing personal against Johnny Depp)
13) Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (really though-- surprise to anyone?)
14) The Pursuit of Happyness
15) My Dinner with Andre
16) The Life Aquatic
17) Collateral

I could go on, but making this list is stirring my pot of already frustrated emotions.

Possible solutions:

1) Take a page out of dear sister Merzy's book- always have a Diet Coke on hand (and a lime wedge to give it some pucker).
2) Do jumping jacks/pushups/sun salutations while the movie runs.
3) Never be in a comfortable position when the show is on.
4) Excedrine (just ask Merzy. I am more than awake on Excedrine... I'm wired.).

While I have been sleeping much better than recently (meaning, through the night), this stubbornly sleepyness when the tube is on persists. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled with all the fibers of my aorta to sleep through the night again.

So, friend, next time we watch a movie together, feel free to give me a swift nudge in the ribs every so often to make sure I'm still awake.

You've got to be cruel to be kind.


Sarah said...

You are basically turning into Rocky. It's to the point where I will not watch a movie with him if he is even a little bit sleepy.

He even falls asleep watching movies on his ipod. Which is why I no longer feel required to watch movies more time is spent on things blowing up than dialogue.

Unknown said...

Sarah, I have to tell you, I have your page bookmarked. You and Harry are both so witty and funny. I seriously just laughed out loud at this blog. Keep it coming!
Lots of love,

Tiffany said...

Oh sarah every time I read your blog, there is a part inside me that just keeps growing bigger and bigger for my missing of you! I love reading the cleverness of you and then I try to be all clever back in my comments, but it ends up sounding like this one! Haha.