Thursday, December 31, 2009

It really WAS.

Regardless of the previous post's heinous news, we really did have a wonderful Christmas. More pictures to come. But since I wanted to reassure all you hoards and hoards of people who hang on this blog's every word that we DID in fact have a delightful and perfect Christmas, I thought I'd post the proof.

Christmas poppers and crowns.

The latest and greatest en-gagged couple in the fam.

Full tummies and glazed eyes and spiking blood sugar.

For a little bit of Christmas Closure, I thought I'd add a wee post script to my friend, the Cretin.

Dear Cretin,

Hey. C'est moi. One of your recent burglarees. Or is it burglee? Either way, hey, howsabout we put this little misfortune behind us and engage in a virtual handshake of truce? I mean, it IS New Year's Eve and I suppose your no doubt lengthy list of resolutions is going to be put into effect within the next 24 hours. And I more than FULLY support the amending of your ways. I'm sure you've spent the days since your selfish swipings reflecting on your deep feelings of shame and remorse. I bet you've even created a personalized 12-step program to ensure your self-improvement goal's realizations. So, Cretin, you have my moral support, one hundred percent. I hope 2010 is a successful one, far away from illegality and desperation.

Your friend,
Le Burglee

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