Thursday, February 25, 2010


I wrote this to my sister in an e-mail yesterday. Then I decided to post it so that everyone can see how my latent frustration can make its unexpected debuts.

I was sent to the store to get lunch for everybody today (not for myself, because, oddly, I always bring my lunch from home, and yet I go out to get everyone else’s 5 days a week), and I was in no laughing mood. I was paying at the register for the ill gotten gains, getting rung up by the same guy who usually rings up my ill gotten gains (and sympathizes whole heartedly with my daily lunch-delivery plight), and a guy in line behind me plops down on the rubber conveyer belt what he wants to buy-- 8 mousetraps. The cashier guy was like, "Oh no! Why do you need all those?" and the mouse trap guy is like, "I have an infestation! The worst part is, my 8 year old daughter has read all these cute cuddly stories about mice and will be so sad if I kill them." I laughed and said I thought that was too bad. And then, my mood uncontrollably manifested itself because I suddenly burst out with, "I HOPE YOU KILL THEM ALL!" The two guys exchanged surprised looks, laughed, and the mousetrap guy said, "Wow, you're really a catch!"

Thank you, Mousetrap Guy. I needed that.


Tiffany said...

I love your outbursts! They always make me laugh. :)

Sarah said...

I like this. I like you. Come visit me.

hanner said...

i work in an office and i have these outbursts all the time. i can relate all too well to your plight of lunch-fetching and complaint-listening. if i get going on this rant i will never stop so i should stop now.

(btw, i am friends with jess lawler and my husband is rob hamill who i guess knows you and your husband, i'm not sure of this connection but here i am either way.)