Thursday, April 15, 2010

On Patriotism

I am a firm believer in patriotism. An organization can do more good pursuing a less-beneficial course of action in unity than it would trying to accomplish a "better" goal in the face of division. If you don't agree with me, Abe Lincoln said the same thing. Boo-yah.

Anyway, one result of this belief, for me, is that I try to be supportive of the government, and the current administration, even if I don't entirely agree with all their actions. I think our president, as president, deserves a degree of respect and support that I'm going to give him even if I voted for his opponent. Aside from issues that I am morally opposed to, I'm not typically in favor of obstructionist politics.

So, where is all this leading? Well, we've had some tough times these last few years. Economy has been down, lots of money has been thrown at it to try to "fix" it, my hometown of Las Vegas has fallen into the crapper a bit--suffering some of the worst of the recessionary blues, a big healthcare bill that I'm not in favor of passed, etc., etc.

In spite of all this, I've been pretty supportive of Obama. Despite our political differences, I do like the guy, and do generally believe that he's trying to do what he thinks is best for the country. I didn't vote for him, but I give him that.

But now, he's crossed the line.

I'm officially calling him, at least in a limited sense, bmball. Why, you might ask? [And what is a bmball, you might ask? Well, that's a story for another day.]

Because 40 years ago we put man on the moon, and haven't really been back much.

But did you know that NASA was working to put man BACK on the moon in 2020? And did you know that we were doing that as a stepping stone to putting man on MARS in the 2030s?

I did. And I loved it. And Obama has just pulled the plug on the whole operation.

He's giving NASA more money, not to go back to the moon. That's like when we pay farmers money not to grow crops, or raise pigs (true story, and no offense to anyone fortunate enough to benefit from such non-actions).

Talk about killing dreams!! I am devastated. What child hasn't dreamed about going to the moon, or at least outer-space in general?

Heck, even Ernie and Aaron Neville sung about it on Sesame Street.

So NO THANK YOU, Mr. President Obama. I'm not going to go with the flow on this one, or take it lightly. You just destroyed half of my childhood.

Instead, I'm thinking of seceding from the nation and starting a new business--which apparently there's a big market for now--of not growing pigs on the moon.


Julie said...

Harry, I respect your respect. But the tiny amount of respect I had for Obama went out the window a loooooong time ago. You are the better man. Which really is good because I'm not actually a man.

ericareynolds said...

Well, if health care reform didn't do it for you, I can see how this moon pig thing would. :)

Aby Runyan said...

Oh Harry, to hear that you support - or may I say supported - Obama in any way is ROUGH!! But I still luv ya.

If you can call him a BMball, and of course I know what that is, then I feel certain it's OK to tell you what I like to refer to him as. Moron.

Sorry, but I call em as I see em.

luvs, aby

PS - I'm sure that Josh is reeling at the news too, he SO wanted to be an astronaut. And still does!!